Apparently a Homeless Man Has Much to Offer
Tonight I have been so lonely and empty. I interviewed
tod ay for a job in Kansas City , a city I d on't
know, all alone, feeling the hurt of some very special people in my life.
I d id n't
have anyone to talk to, no one to eat d inner
with, no one to d o something
with...all at a time that should be
very exciting because of other things going on.
Lonely...empty. I can't take this job even it it's offered . I would n't
be able to stand this kind of loneliness while traveling. Then again,
I'd be lonely anywhere right now no
matter who I was with.
I asked
the d esk clerk where I could go to d inner
where I could be around other people. He d irected me to a place called
Country Club Plaza. As I arrived ,
my d aughter Haley called , and I
walked along the street with many
other people while talking to her. I was listening to her, and giving a half-hearted effort toward looking for
some place where I could watch
people or somehow feel part of a community. I walked
by a black homeless man who asked me
for money, and it was very easy to
say "not now" while I continued
to talk on the phone.
Sud d enly it hit me that I could
ask a homeless man to have d inner
with me. I told Haley what I
was about to d o, and she let me off the phone. I knelt besid e the homeless man who was sitting on all his world ly possessions in a back pack. He was begging
for money, but he was also read ing a
newspaper. There was something d ifferent
about him.
I told
him I was from out of town, and
quite frankly I was kind of
lonely. I told him it would be an honor for me if he would have d inner
with me. He mad e excuses,
looked uncomfortable, but with some
small prod d ing,
he said , "Well, I have to be
somewhere by 8:30 , but I
guess I could d o
some carry out." (The time was 7PM .) We started
walking together. He was articulate, intelligent, engaging...just
homeless. I met Billy Ray.
Billy Ray took me to a famous BBQ
place in KC. Accord ing to him,
you're not consid ered a native of the area until you've had KC BBQ. A few people stared at Billy Ray as we walked
in. He wasn't exactly the d irtiest
homeless person I've ever met, although he d id have a slight od or.
Honestly, I d id n't
care. I saw in him a companion who was saving me from something...but
we'll get to that. He was my friend ,
and I was truly happy to be with
We talked .
He is from Wichita Falls Texas , moved
to KC, painted houses, d ivorced ,
lost his job, and became
homeless. One winter he nearly froze because the parks and recreation people came and
took all his stuff...his sleeping bag, his blankets, everything. He was
so d istraught he d id n't
know what to d o. As he wand ered
aimlessly d own the sid e walk, a woman pulled
up next to him and asked if he would
like the stuff in her trunk. Includ ed in the stuff was a brand
new sleeping bag. He could n't
take everything, of course. He could
take only the things he could
carry. After all, Billy Ray is homeless, and
homeless people have to travel lightly. Billy Ray d oesn't
believe in asking God for his need s. He prays only for guid ance. He figures God
alread y knows his need s, and
God has never let him d own yet. He keeps a positive attitud e.
I asked
Billy Ray if he was lonely. He is. He talked
about the d ifference between being
lonely and being alone. It
seems that we both kind of need ed each
other tonight. I fought back tears, many times unsuccessfully throughout
the meal. I tried not to weep
openly, and yet tears streamed d own my
face more than once, and my eyes
were moist nearly all the time (as they are even now). Billy Ray d id n't
care, and he d id n't probe. He just listened , and
talked , and
mad e me feel like it was ok to be
me, includ ing tears.
We talked
about sin. I think he brought up the topic, but I can't remember for
sure. Accord ing to Billy Ray,
the worst sin a person could commit
is unfaithfulness. We spoke of our specific issues of guilt, forgiveness,
and renewed faith. I was so surprised by his wisd om.
He spoke truth to me, but he somehow mixed
in the right amount of grace. I'm not sure how he d id it, but he d id n't let me off the hook for sin in my life, and yet I never felt he was jud ging
me. Never once d id I feel that I wasn't his friend any more. Oh how I cried . We talked
about forgiveness and starting anew,
and many things. I think
I realized at d inner
that we're all homeless in some ways. In fact, Jesus was homeless,
literally. It's just that some of us are homeless because we've lost our
bearings and the compass of our
souls while others simply lose a roof over their head s.
Billy Ray has the biggest roof of all over his head ...or
at least that's what he said .
I asked
Billy Ray if he was happy. I told
him that when I see a homeless person, I never really know how I can
help. But then again, if Jesus was homeless, and
if a homeless person is happy, maybe my help really isn't help. By the
way...he's happy, but he d oesn't
want to be homeless. He has d ignity
and prid e
in the positive sense of the word .
We talked
about the real challenges of a homeless person find ing
work. He said that a homeless
person can't exactly get a job in a restaurant because it's d ifficult to practice good
hygiene. People d on't want you
around the food ,
and he would n't
d o anything to embarrass an
employer. It's hard to get a
job where you have to be clean. He can't always take a bath.
Sometimes the kid s will soap the
fountain near where I found him so
they can frolic in the sud s.
Billy Ray gets in and plays with
them...but his real purpose is to take a bath. Anyway, unless a job comes
with a uniform that is cleaned by
the employer, a homeless guy has a hard
time find ing a job. About the
only area where you can come to work d irty
is in construction. And it's
hard to find
a construction job in a location that has some of the need s
of a homeless person (like shelters and
food kitchens).
I asked
Billy Ray what a person could d o to really help a homeless person. I
honestly d id n't
know. I said , Let's say for
example that I had $50-$100 to give
you. How could that help you
the most. His answer surprised
me. He said what he need ed most
was a cell phone. You can't get a job if people can't call you.
Without a cell phone, you have to go there every d ay
to see if they're hiring. Then if you skip a d ay,
they may hire someone else since you weren't here. You see, most people d on't give the same courtesy to a homeless guy that
they would give to someone
else...either that, or they just d on't
know how the world works for a
person who d oesn't have an ad d ress or
a phone #.
So Billy Ray and I went to find
a cell phone. We were looking for one of those pre-paid things where you get X amount of minutes, and when those are d one
you can buy X amount of minutes more. We came close to making a d eal with the sales clerk when I wond ered if
I could ad d minutes to his phone when he need ed
them. Could I continue to help
Billy Ray even though I was so far away? Then it struck me. Why not
ad d
Billy Ray to my cell phone plan? Instead
of him scraping and saving every
possible minute, why not pay $10/month and
just let him be my family. Heck, we even look alike. People might
think we're brothers or something!
On this night, Billy Ray was more
than my brother. He was an angel sent from God .
He even told me that maybe we met
tonight because I need ed him more than he need ed me. I cried
again, because he was so right.
When a person loses their way, God has a unique way of starting the process of
recovery. I need ed Billy Ray tonight. My night went from the
worst possible to one of the coolest experiences of my life. Don't get me
wrong. I'm still lonely. But at least tonight I felt like I had a soul again. Maybe there's hope after all. Billy Ray may be homeless in terms of walls
and a roof, but I needed a home for my heart.